


  • Same active as Aim®
  • Proven pre-seed control of kochia, redroot pigweed, stinkweed, and volunteer canola.
  • Alternative Group 14 mode of action for resistance management
  • Controls Group 2 resistant kochia and 19 other broadleaf weeds
  • Fast activity on weeds such as kochia and volunteer canola
  • Use in all soil zones
  • Multiple tank mix options for broad-spectrum weed control
  • No re-cropping restrictions
  • Outstanding control of broadleaf weeds prior to pulse crops, canola and cereals at an affordable price

Please refer to the product label for complete and detailed information about this product. It contains essential guidelines and specifications to ensure proper usage and safety.

Active Ingredients

When to apply on crops

Prior to seeding

When to apply on weeds

Up to 10cm in height

Water volume

10 US gallons/ac (40L/ac)

Rainfast period

1 hour


controlled - Pre-Seed

30 ml/acre rate (See product label for the maximum size of each weed controlled)

Re-Cropping Options

Canary seed


1Crop can be grown 1 years after application

Canary seed


1Crop can be grown 2 years after application

Canary seed


1Crop can be grown 3 years after application

Mixing Instructions

  1. Fill the sprayer 1/2 full of clean water, begin agitation and continue throughout mixing and application process.
  2. If required add the correct amount of any dry or solution concentrate products.
  3. Add the required amount of REVENGE® HERBICIDE.
  4. Add the required amount of DISRUPTOR or DESTROYER glyphosate.
  5. Add any other liquid formulation tank mix products.
  6. Add surfactant if required, then complete filling tank and apply.
  7. If application is stopped prior to completion, resuspend spray solution by full agitation prior to commencing spraying again.

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