Please refer to the product label for complete and detailed information about this product. It contains essential guidelines and specifications to ensure proper usage and safety.
• Cereals: Immediately at or after flag leaf is emerged
• Corn: Early to full tassel
• Dry beans: Before flowering (if anthracnose is present), early
flowering (20-50% bloom)
• Faba beans: Start of flowering
• Field peas: Start of flowering (for mycosphaerella blight),
prior to or at disease onset (for powdery mildew)
• Chickpeas: At disease onset
• Lentils: Row closure or at first flower
• Soybeans: Early to late flower
Water volume
• Ground: Minimum 10 US gallons/acre (40 L/acre), except potatoes and sugar beets minimum 20 US gallons/acre (80 L/acre) • Aerial: Minimum 5 US gallons/acre (20 L/acre)
Rainfast period
1 hour
(see label for complete list of crops and rates)
1. Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water, start sprayer
agitation, and continue agitation throughout mixing
and spraying process.
2. Add the required amount of any tank mix partner if
3. Add required amount of SPADE to the tank,
4. Add required amount of boron to the tank, finish
filling the tank with water, and apply product.
5. If application is stopped prior to completion, resuspend
spray solution by full agitation prior to
commencing spraying again.
6. Clean out sprayer equipment thoroughly after
application is complete.